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Community Chat rules and Etiquette


     District 18 is a roleplay sim that caters to mature audiences that wish to collaborate in the venture of writing a fun and interesting story for all to enjoy. In that light, there is nothing any player should want more than to participate in roleplay and to become part of an upstanding community that helps facilitate it. In order to foster an environment that is welcoming and cooperative, the community of District 18 must be well-mannered and considerate.


 The rules are simple...


  • Read the sim rules.


  • Respect your peers and be polite in chat. As the old saying goes— “If you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all.”


  • Be tolerant of other players, factions, and roleplay communities. We all have had bad experiences, but the District 18 chat is not the place to discuss such grievances. Be understanding.


  • Keep IC and OOC separate. There is nothing wrong with being invested in your character or a faction and how they contribute to the story, but negatively or passive-aggressively commenting on the existence or activity of another faction or player is never acceptable nor is participating in such commentary.

    • This has been an issue that will no longer be tolerated and any player who finds themselves incapable of issuing or submitting their questions, complaints, or concerns through the proper channels will find themselves suspended from the sim-moderated chat platforms or banned in the event they fail to improve their manners. There is no room for an “us vs. them” mentality out of character, so save it for the story.


  • Constructive criticism meant for both players and factions should be given, respectfully, to the players or faction leaders in private.


  • Do not spam the chat and ensure that the content you share or the conversations you start are posted in the appropriate chat channels.


  • Disengage and report to a moderator or other sim management when a conversation gets too hot or when a player is breaking the chat rules.


  • Players are expected to cease contributing to a chat in the event a moderator is attempting to break up a fight, calm an individual down, or is in the process of issuing a warning. Once the moderator has given the O.K for people to continue as usual, players may return to their previous topic, if unrelated to the discourse, or they may start a new topic. PLAYERS SHOULD NOT INVOLVE THEMSELVES IN THE DE-ESCALATION PROCESS! 



    These rules apply to both all in-world group chats and all sim-moderated Discord servers and channels as well as in-sim local chat. Failure to adhere to these rules will mean suspension or a permanent ban from the chat in the event a player proves themselves to be a problem. Relocating inappropriate behavior to another chat, will lead to a ban from the sim.

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