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        "Hackers, modders, internet trolls and basement dwellers. These are the things that come to mind when the Downsiders enter the conversation. With no true affiliation they are considered truly neutral. Often accused of the 3068 global hack thought to have awakened synthetics. They are not looked on favorably by the law because of this, despite lack of evidence.

        In recent years they've become known more for their mercenary style hacks and illegal modifications. Police reports showing an uptick in real world interactions and incidents. Criminals and Anarchists have began to gravitate into the Downsiders building communication networks between gangs."


The Story So Far
        [This will be updated by the faction as its story progresses.]





  • Players creating gangs can use the Downsider Faction as a resource center for information, recruiting, and communication.

  • This group differs somewhat from a traditional faction as there is no official leader. The players within this group are meant to create their own gangs and use the faction as a resource center for story and information. Gangs within the faction may even oppose each other.

  • Group Chatter is meant to simulate the 'Dark Neural Net' an anonymous chatter for the criminal and shady elements on sim.

Faction Leader: None, Open Group

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